Mmhmm, ok. I picked this up because the picture on the cover of this book is probably one of my favourite photographs of all time. The street, the car. We used to have a 1949 Chrysler Highlander and I used to dream about it all the time. Not dream about it when I fell asleep, but wide awake. I would dream about a time in the 50's when this car would be around. I would wonder if James Dean ever saw this car, etc. Silly dreams like that. Yes yes, I love that picture. A week ago, I was in a bookstore cemeted to the poetry section and the man next to me had a pile of books. I look at him and asked to see a book in his stack without actually saying anything. His eyes said yes. The book in the stack was a book of photographs with this one of the cover.
And then he and I talked about photography for a little while. :)
This book however, came to me in a period where I immersed myself the civil rights movement without trying to. It was written really well though it bummed me out. It isnt something I would normally pick out for myself though...that darn cover moved me!