On the Road. Wow. Ok,I get that everybody in the book represents a real life person. The names are somewhat changed, yadayadayada. But what did Jack Kerouac see in Neal Cassady? If he was anything like Dean in the book...then I don't understand it. I thought he brought some life to the party, but he was out of his mind, wild, crazy and just extremly out there. Can a person really be that non-sensical?
I always felt really sad for the character Sal. To me, he had such potential and Dean was always sort of a bad influence.
The entire book was not lost on me, not in the slightest. I loved the actual "on the road" theme. I love the chapter where Sal is a cotton picker. I really loved that chapter, actually. But the book and the characters were just not something i could relate to in the slightest. :(
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