Lucas Corso...Did I know love until then? This book had been in my possession for years and years. I remember that Oliver from B. Dalton loved this book and we talked about it often. So I bought it for Joe years ago. Joe didn't like it too much. So I wasn't really psyched to try it...but something made me go for it.
Saying that this book helped shape the next two years of my life is an understatement. It helped shape what I read, who I love, and what I live for-the written word.
Lucas Corso. That name! I loved him so much. He is my Harry Potter, he is my Emma. He is my Inferno and he is my Romeo. He is everything I ever wanted in a book character. Profound, clumsly. Foolishly in love. I ADORE the tiniest insignificant details in this book. In one paragraph, the phone rings while Corso is in bed. In reaching out to answer it, he drops his glasses. That moved me beyond words. The smallest thing and yet so real.
I love that Lucas went to great lengths to protect his books but smoked around them without hesistation.
I love that he couldn't sleep at night and I loved that he liked to drink a lot. He had SO many imperfections and he was so realistic. And that makes him my favourite book character ever.
So how does this book shape my life? A few of my friends read this one. Some fell for it as hard as I did, some with the romance of the book world and some with the overall charm. So we were all connected. We were the Club Dumas. Even now, we talk about it. Even now we are connected...we always will be. <3