I am pretty sure I read this one because we had to sell it as a store again and this one didn't do as well as Shutter Island did. Because it wasn't that good.... :(
Where to begin? Bel Canto. A novel about music and how it moves you. A novel about cultures and how in the end, we are all just people. A novel about translations and about love and about a bond that only a crisis can bring about. This book is just incredible. It is really really incredible.
Hahaha, see a common theme here? :) So, I remember liking this one when I read it but I had to look it up on BN.com to rememeber what it was about, so obviously it was forgettable. :(
AH, world of pies. Set in my favourite time period ever-THE 60'S. Oh, how I love the 60's. Mmhmm, I really did enjoy this one. It was cute. :) And set in the 60's. :)
Ok, just look at the title and tell me, how would I not have read this one?! Really! And it was good. :) I wouldn't re-read it though, but oh, I just love coffee...and kung fu. :)
Marlene and I read this one right after one another and it was hilarious. I loved the rastafarian white boy. I really love Christopher Moore's books and how far out there he is. Sometimes, he goes so out of left field that even I am surprised how bizarre that story line is, but it's great and I love him. :) I love his characters and I LOVE LOVE LOVE his sense of humour.
This is another one of Sherri's recommendations and it was a romance book, but it wasn't a romancy type novel at all. It was one of the better chick lit books, I remember that. And looking at my list, I think I have 2 more recommendations from Sherri. :)
This book was *cute* but it read a little more like a cutesy romance than a good fantasy book. :( I really wanted to like it way more than I did. I like vampire legends..I just wish the stories would meet my imganation half away and have a go at it. I want dark and gothic and sure, a little romance because vampires are seductive..I want a little horror but a little glamour. capes are optional.
Ok, so I've ready way better books than this, but I ALWAYS see this one on our shelf. It must be the fact that this book has won some award....I read this around the summer of 2003. Wow, I read a lot in 2003!