WOW! I have had this book for a little more than a year! And wow, why have I NOT READ IT until now is beyond me. I have learned so much from this book, and even some more about James Dean! I have learned so much that 1 post will not be enough! Also, I am not yet finished with the book.
Fact 1: The word teenager wasn't used until 1941.
Fact 2: The Griffith Observatory was used as Jor-ELs Krypton Castle in the Superman Series. Also, The Griffith Observatory is named after miming Tycoon Col. Griffith J. Griffith. He once served jail time for shooting his wife! Woah!
Fact 3: Dr Seuss once wrote a screen play for the original Rebel without A Cause, when it was based on the bestselling book "Rebel Without a Cause: The Story of a Crimial Pyschopath" The studio later paid the author for use of the title only.
Read this book and find out:
Which "Rebel" star's Father once pucnhed Frank Sinatra?
Who was the actor who inspired the main character, Jim Stark?
How far did Natalie Wood have to go to get the part?
Who did Dennis Hopper threaten with a gun, only to find out the victim waasn't home that night?
Who was the main consultant for "Rebel" and why did the Studio think this was a bad idea?
How did Natalie Wood prepare for her 5 minute crying scene in the first few minutes of the movie?
This book is amazing because its SO much about the history of Hollywood. (Color movies, talkies, silent movies, juvenile delinquents, classic stars..wow! You don't have to actually LOVE the film this book is about, but having seen it helps. This book is SO amazing. So SO SO SO SO AMAZING.
Names also mentioned in this are:
Howard Hughes! Who doesn't love Howard Hughes?
Elia Kazan (of course)
Marilyn Monroe
Marlon Brando
Erol Flynn
George Stevens
BEST Name Mention EVER? Bob Dylan saw Rebel 4 times as a teenager and even bought a red jacket. *swoon* I am going to fall over from all this swooning!