Man, oh man. Gone with the Wind. I read this because of The Outsiders. When Pony Boy and Johnny ran away and they stayed in that old abandoned church and read out loud to each other to pass the time. The passages they read were in the movie and it makes me happy every time. I wanted to read it for them. Silly thing, I know. But I read it without ever having seen the movie and the book was WONDERFUL!!! When I saw the movie after I read the book though-I didn't like it. I didn't like the cast. In my version of Gone with the Wind, Scarlets face was softer, and her eyes weren't so mean. Rhett was less creepy looking and more of a gentleman. Ashley was, well my Ashley was just as handsome as one could be.
I dont actually own this book and we had an advanced copy of it when the publisher changed the cover...I didn't take it. I want the book I own to look like the one I read from years before. Small, red.
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